+34 637202762


La Ferme de Bourettes


Haute Rivoire, France


Windbreaks, animal welfare, increased biodiversity, income diversification

Facts & Figures

  • 10.7 hectare
  • 3’250 trees planted
  • Tree species: oak, cherry, hazelnut, elderberry, hawthorn, mulberry, chestnut, viburnum, hornbeam, alder, ash, walnut, willow, maple, wild apple, wild plum, peach, cherry, dogwood, blackthorn


About the project

Magalie started her farm in 2012. Since then, she has seen the important role that trees play in the production of fodder and the well-being of her herd.

The project
Magalie wishes to add field and fruit hedges to the grazed meadows in order to improve the well-being of the animals while providing fodder supplements to the cattle.
Objectives: Windbreaks, animal welfare, increase in biodiversity, diversification of income.


Hedge management / Agroforestry

– Hedge management plan
– Project with the community of communes (hedge planting)
– Litter reused as manure -> carbon contribution
– Creation of habitat for animals
– Retention of water in the meadows
– Retention of moisture
– Gain of organic matter

Project Update

What we are working on

Having living soils

  • Types of management: Composite hedges with tall trees and shrubs
  • Agricultural production under the trees: permanent grassland
  • Method of valorisation of the trees: fodder supplement, fruit harvest, timber.
Result So Far
  • Lots of rotation in the soil
  • No ploughing -> increase biodiversity in the soil
  • Well thought out forage strateg
  • Climate adaptation (warming)
  • Increased nitrogen fixation (e.g. through extensive elimination of tillage)
  • High planting of legumes (various)